This database index brings together information about the people who lived, loved and worked in Dalmeny Rows. It will continue to be developed, so check back over the coming months. If you’re looking for an ancestor who was a shale miner or worked in the shale oil industry in West Lothian, put their surname in the search box - who knows what you might find!
Information sources include:
If you would like to know more about the shale industry in general, the informative site by the Museum of the Scottish Shale Industry is a great place to start.
If you find any inaccuracies (other than the spelling of names, which are shown as they were written in the original records), please feel free to let us know.
You can type in the surname and the system will find a list of surnames that sound similar - this allows for spelling inconsistencies in the original records;
You can use “wildcard” characters - ? will replace any single character or * will replace multiple characters. For example: